
 Donate or Get involved

La Leche League of Longmont is a non-profit run by volunteers. Your support will enable us to carry out mission-based projects and to reach many more families in need of the breastfeeding services and support LLL can provide in our community.  Thank you for considering the many ways to support La Leche League.


LLL Membership is only $40 per year. You'll receive a free copy of The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, you'll be part of our community, learn from others, and help women and children in Longmont.

Click on the pink link below to buy a membership and become a member:

Become a Member

You do not have to become a Member to participate in or ask for help from La Leche League, but if you have the financial means and feel that you or someone you care for has benefited from LLL assistance, your support would be very much appreciated. There are many creative ways to support LLL.


You can give any amount you wish by clicking on the pink link below, or you’re welcome to contact a Leader for more information or ways of making a financial donation.

Donate to La Leche League

2$, 5$, 20$... Anything helps! All the money is going to our local group in Longmont. It allows us to pay our insurance, our domain website, leaders' training, and other administrative costs.

Donate Your Time & Energy

We're always in need of an extra pair of hands and some fresh ideas. We'd love to hear from you. Please contact a Leader to discuss ways that you can add your inspiration to helping breastfeeding families in your community.

Thank you for your support! 
